damn graduate school apps

Im hating the process of applying to graduate school..

I remember when I applied to college and how fucked up that process was. I was completely clueless and naive. Perfect qualities for enrolling in college.

Now I like to think of myself as less naive. Oh, what a roller coaster of 8 years it has been. Since high school, I got cancer, got drunk, got high, got hitched and got politicized.

The worst part is that I still feel intimidated. I feel like the same high school girl who didnt have any help in the process. Except this time around, I got smart enough to google myself some information and buy myself some study books. I still wonder if Im good enough to go to graduate school and then feel that Im distancing myself further and further away from my family who has not a clue what the hell I do but just know pays the bills.

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